Graduating high school seniors Henry Ferrell of Wilmington, Ella Harlacher of Swansboro and Dylan Gray of Hatteras have been selected to receive the North Carolina Coastal Federation’s 2020 Coastal Stewardship Award.
News Briefs
Interactive Map Shows NC Shellfish Leases
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries’ Shellfish Lease and Aquaculture Program has launched a new interactive mapping tool to assist the public in finding information about shellfish leases in North Carolina.
NC’s Objection to Seismic Survey Overridden
Federal officials have overridden the state’s objection to WesternGeco’s proposed permit to conduct seismic surveys for oil and gas exploration on the Atlantic outer continental shelf.
State Implements Evacuation Initiative
The Know Your Zone initiative for the state’s 20 coastal counties establishes evacuation zones to help residents safely evacuate during hurricanes, tropical storms and other hazards.
Rip Current Basics Webinar Tuesday
The National Weather Service Office in Wilmington and state Division of Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing are hosting Tuesday a webinar on rip current basics and lifesaving information with sign language interpreters and captioning.
Solar Project Variance Hearing Wednesday
A quasi-judicial hearing is being held 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in Plymouth and livestreamed for a setback variance on a previously approved solar project in Washington County.
NCORR Offers Disaster Relief, Asks for Input
The state Office of Recovery and Resiliency opened Monday an application period for eligible homeowners who suffered damage from hurricanes Matthew and Florence and is looking for feedback on proposed amendments for disaster recovery fund spending plans.
Input Sought on CARES Act Fisheries Plan
The Division of Marine Fisheries is asking for public comments on the draft spending plan for $5.4 million in federal relief provided by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.
NCDOT to Increase Hatteras Ferry Service
NCDOT Ferry Division is increasing daily departures starting Tuesday from 36 to 52 on its Hatteras-Ocracoke route in order to meet higher summer travel demand.
Kitty Hawk, KDH OK Nourishment Contract
Two of the four Dare County municipalities expected to partner on a 2022 beach nourishment project have given the go-ahead to move forward with the critical design and permitting steps needed prior bidding and construction of the project.
Park Service Seeks Lessee for Avon Pier
The National Park Service is accepting proposals to lease Avon Fishing Pier and pier house so that the 55-year-old facility can remain open to the public.
Halt Expanding Offshore Drilling: Scientists
More than 100 scientists sent a letter Monday on World Oceans Day urging President Trump and Congress to halt the expansion of offshore drilling and warns of the potential catastrophic impacts.
Striped Bass Report Review To Go Online
Staff with the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a workshop by webinar June 16-17 with scientists who are continuing the peer review of a draft assessment of the Albemarle-Roanoke striped bass stock.
Circle Hooks Required For Shark Fishing
Recreational anglers will be required to use circle hooks when fishing for sharks with natural bait in state waters beginning June 22.
Southern Shores Seeks Input On Project
Ahead of a planned public hearing on the matter, town officials in Southern Shores are asking for public input on a proposed beach renourishment project in 2022.
EJ Board to Discuss Atlantic Coast Pipeline
The state Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board will discuss Thursday concerns regarding the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.