The Division of Coastal Management is accepting comments related to an application to do seismic testing off the N.C. coast as questions about the firm’s plans remain unanswered.
DEQ to Test New Hanover Wells for PFAS
The state plans to begin testing groundwater from monitoring wells in New Hanover County after learning PFAS compounds were detected in six of 25 wells that provide water to a Cape Fear Public Utility Authority plant.
State Gets Grant to Buy Meter Point Tract
A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service grant will allow the state Division of Coastal Management to add more than 35 acres on Little Colington Island to the Kitty Hawk Woods Coastal Reserve.
FEMA Grants Available for Home Elevation
The Dare County Planning Department will host a meeting May 15 for year-round residents to learn about applying to the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
DEQ Orders New Sampling for Contaminants
The Department of Environmental Quality has ordered operators of wastewater pretreatment facilities in the Cape Fear River Basin to begin testing water flowing into their plants for 1,4 dioxane and PFAS.
Six Sea Turtles to be Released Saturday
There will be six rehabilitated sea turtles released Saturday morning by the North Carolina Aquarium on Roanoke Island at the Frisco Bath House on Hatteras Island.
Offshore Oil, Gas Safety Rules Loosened
The Trump administration moved Thursday to relax the safety regulations adopted after the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon blowout, despite push back on the effort to expand offshore drilling and oil exploration.
Bierly Named for Posthumous Award
The North Carolina League of Conservation Voters recognized with a lifetime achievement award the late Dick Bierly, who served as president of the North Carolina Coastal Federation board of directors.
Barden Inlet May Lose Aids to Navigation
The public can submit comments until Monday on the U.S. Coast Guard’s proposal to remove aids to navigation in Barden Inlet, the main access to Cape Lookout National Seashore, which is only accessible by boat.
Life Under the Sea
This vibrant octopus was spotted in the Pamlico Canyon about 20 miles offshore of the Outer Banks by a remotely operated vehicle, or ROV, during a dive project sponsored by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program. The dive is part of the fifth research expedition of the Deep Sea Exploration and Research of Coral/Canyon/Cold seep Habitats, or DEEP SEARCH.
SELC’s Carter to Address Brunswick Group
Derb Carter of the Southern Environmental Law Center is slated as guest speaker for the Brunswick Environmental Action Team’s third annual membership meeting Monday in Supply.
Forum to Cover Hurricane Preparedness
Meteorologists at the National Weather Service office in Newport are set to host a free forum Monday in Morehead City to answer questions about hurricane preparedness.
EPA Updates Disaster Debris Planning Guide
A new federal guide for helping communities create disaster debris management plans includes lessons learned from more recent hurricane seasons and a focus on climate change resiliency.
State Environmental Justice Board to Meet
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board is set to hold its fourth meeting May 22 at UNC Charlotte.
Annual Ceremonies Set for British War Dead
The annual British War Graves ceremonies to honor the 63 soldiers that died during World War II while protecting the North Carolina coast is set for May 9 in Buxton and May 10 on Ocracoke Island.
Cedar Point Closes on Town Park Property
Cedar Point in Carteret County has closed on the purchase of 56 acres of waterfront property the town intends to turn into its first park.