The North Carolina Coastal Federation needs commercial fishermen to help remove lost fishing gear and other marine debris from coastal waters this winter.
Ramblers Concerts Postponed
The shows by the Red Clay Ramblers, which were originally scheduled for Oct. 7 and 8, will be postponed due to Hurricane Matthew.
Guide Offers Ways to Reduce Seismic Risks
A Duke Marine Lab professor has co-written a new guide to minimizing risks to marine mammals for use by companies preparing to do seismic surveys for offshore oil and gas exploration.
Our Celestial Coast: October’s Fireballs
October begins with dark skies on the heels of a black moon, ideal conditions for viewing deep-space objects, and offers monthlong meteor showers with a good chance of spotting a fireball.
Four NC Solar Firms Rank Among Top 20
Four North Carolina-based firms ranked in the top 20 in a solar energy trade journal’s recently published top 500 list of North American solar contractors.
Judge Says Feds Have Failed Red Wolves
A U.S. District judge granted a preliminary injunction barring federal officials fro removing red wolves from properties and slammed the officials for declining populations.
Our Coast’s Food: Odd Pairings
Peanuts in Pepsi, Ritz crackers as a lemon pie crust, fried spot and grits — some food combinations enjoyed on the North Carolina coast may seem a bit weird to outsiders.
Federation Protests Groin Application
The North Carolina Coastal Federation contends in a letter to the Army Corps of Engineers that the Figure Eight Island Homeowners Association’s application for a terminal groin on Figure Eight Island is incomplete and inaccurate.
Public Trust Doctrine: Who Owns the Beach?
A case set to go before the North Carolina Supreme Court challenges what is known as the state’s public trust doctrine and the people’s right to access the beach.
Institute Director Nancy White To Leave Post
Nancy White says she will step down as the executive director of the UNC Coastal Studies Institute next summer to usher in new leadership.
Studies Link Biofuel Demand, Habitat Loss
Researchers with N.C. State and the U.S. Geological Survey say increasing demand for renewable energy, such as biomass or wood pellets as a fuel source, comes with trade-offs, including loss of wildlife habitat.
Owners Seek to Move Beachcomber Museum
The late Nellie Myrtle Pridgen spent decades combing the beach at Nags Head, amassing a collection now on display at the Outer Banks Beachcomber Museum. Founders say a move will allow more to visit.
Following the Monarch Migration
A tagged monarch butterfly, ready for migration. Tagging is part of the effort to reverse declining monarch populations. Photo: Doug Waters
Figure Eight Set to Vote on Terminal Groin
Property owners on Figure Eight Island will soon receive ballots for a vote on whether to proceed with construction of a terminal groin here. Meanwhile, a letter from nearly 50 owners opposed to the project will also arrive in their mailboxes.
Postal Service Unveils Shark, Seashell Stamps
The U.S. Postal Service’s 2017 stamp offerings include a new line depicting five species of American sharks.
Plans Presented for Offshore Wind Auction
Federal officials this week outlined the steps in the process for a proposed lease of offshore sites for wind energy off Kitty Hawk during a public information meeting in Nags Head.