Changes include tarpon rules and clarifications pertaining to circumstances when standard and retired standard commercial fishing license transfers are allowed.
MFC Chair Calls Special Meeting
The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting has postponed its Thursday meeting, and called a special meeting to reconsider the southern flounder allocation.
Aquaculture Workshop to Focus on Gear
A free aquaculture workshop on gear management and storm preparedness is being offered online April 8 to all shellfish growers in the state.
Commission to Discuss Southern Flounder
The Marine Fisheries Commission will discuss southern flounder management during its March 18 meeting to be held online.
Dare Proposed Shellfish Lease Hearing Set
The state Division of Marine Fisheries is asking for public input on three proposed shellfish leases in Dare County April 13 during an online public hearing.
Recreational Flounder Season Starts Aug. 16
The 2021 recreational flounder season is Aug. 16-Sept. 30 for internal and ocean waters, but may change if the current Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan amendment under discussion is altered.
Get to the Bottom With Crustaceans, Shellfish
So many different crustaceans and shellfish can be found in North Carolina waters, but some species, including bay scallops and some lobsters, are lower in abundance.
NC’s Crustaceans, Shellfish Make A Big Splash
They might be relatively small — even jumbo shrimp — but shellfish and crustaceans are valuable fisheries in North Carolina, worth millions of dollars each year.
Panel Eyes Shellfish Lease Acreage Limits
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission, when it meets Feb. 25-26, is expected to consider limits on shellfish lease acreage in high-use areas.
Shrimp Plan Advisory Group Workshops Set
The Division of Marine Fisheries is holding in March workshops with the shrimp plan advisory committee to review draft Amendment 2 to the Shrimp Fishery Management Plan.
Learn the Basics of Fisheries Science
North Carolina Sea Grant’s online course the next six Tuesday evenings will provide the fundamentals on the science behind fisheries management to registered participants.
Fishers’ Input Needed for Mobile Science App
The Atlantic Coastal Cooperative Statistics Program’s Citizen’s Science Group is asking fishers to answer a questionnaire on features they’d like for an app to share data about their catch.
Commercial Fishing License Board to Meet
The DMF Standard Commercial Fishing License Eligibility Board will meet April 9 to consider license applications that are complete and submitted by March 10.
Proposed Hyde Shellfish Leases Hearing Set
The state Division of Marine Fisheries is holding a hearing by web conference at 6 p.m. March 9 on proposed shellfish leases in Hyde County.
Carteret Shellfish Leases Meeting March 16
The state Division of Marine Fisheries is holding at 6 p.m. March 16 a virtual public meeting on several proposed shellfish leases in Carteret County.
Eat More Seafood: Latest Federal Guidelines
Americans should consume more seafood, less beef and pork, according to the latest federal dietary guide, and the change could also be good for coastal communities.