Duke Marine Lab researchers with the Marine AlGae Industrialization Consortium are developing ways to create both liquid fuel and livestock feed from naturally oily, nutrient-rich algae.
Cape Becomes Laboratory for Climate Study
Historic structures that are part of the Cape Lookout National Seashore are being used to test a developing strategy for dealing with the vulnerability of cultural resources to climate change.
Women in Science to Host Event for Girls
Women in science will be on hand as role models for an event designed to spark middle school-aged girls‘ interest in technical fields set for April 1 at Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort.
Science Network Links Researchers, Teachers
The fifth annual SciREN Coast event brought together more than 130 scientists and educators to find creative ways to teach scientific concepts.
Study: Seismic Testing Disrupts Fish Behavior
Researchers in North Carolina recently published a study that shows fish “went missing” from a normally populated reef during seismic blasting for geological mapping.
Wildlife Photo Project Expands Statewide
Candid Critters, a photography experiment launched on the coast last year to gauge the diversity and range of wildlife for conservation and management, is going statewide.
FerryMon Founder Strives to Save Project
Hans Paerl of UNC Institute of Marine Sciences, one of the founders of the recently suspended state ferry-based water quality monitoring program, says the work of the project is too important to abandon.
EPA Offers Criteria for Swimming Advisories
The Environmental Protection Agency recently published draft standards for water quality and swimming advisories related to harmful algae blooms caused by nutrient-rich stormwater and agricultural runoff.
Letting It Soak In: Stormwater Retention Pays
A recent federal study estimates the monetary value of reducing stormwater runoff from development, suggesting that over time hundreds of millions of dollars in groundwater resources can be saved.
Sea Turtle Doctor Pioneers New Science
Dr. Craig Harms of N.C. State’s Center for Marine Sciences and Technology in Morehead City not only treats sick and injured sea turtles and other marine life, he and others here advance the science.
Study: How Much Tourism Is Too Much?
New research from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill may provides a way to know how much human presence sensitive coastal areas may be able to withstand.
NC Aquarium Staff Releases 33 Sea Turtles
Specialists at the North Carolina Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores invited paying guests for a boat ride to the Gulf Stream Wednesday to release 33 rehabilitated juvenile sea turtles rescued from area beaches.
Humpback Whales Recover; Threats Remain
NOAA recently determined that most populations of humpback whales have rebounded and are no longer threatened or endangered, but some conservation groups say the status change is premature.
Exploring a Piece of Battle of the Atlantic
Researchers are using advanced technology to more fully explore recently discovered wreckage of a German U- boat and an Allied merchant ship that were sunk off Cape Hatteras in 1942.
The Ocean: Calming a Stormy Mind
Whether it’s the smell of the sea or the rhythmic lapping of waves upon the shore, science has long known the calming effect the ocean has on the human mind, the “blue mind” as one scientist calls it.
Coastal Plain Is One of World’s “Bio” Hotspots
Those of us who live on or visit the N.C. coast know how special it is, but we’re also part of a larger region now recognized by an international environmental group as one of the most biologically diverse places on Earth.