NCDOT has awarded an emergency $1.7 million contract to repair damage to N.C. 12 that occurred on Ocracoke Island during a weeklong period of high tides and ocean overwash in September.
News Briefs
NOAA Digital Coast Offers October Courses
NOAA Office for Coastal Management is offering training opportunities this month on the Seven Best Practices for Risk Communication and Tools and Techniques for Facilitating Virtual Meetings.
DMF Elizabeth City Office Adjusts Hours
North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries license sales through the Elizabeth City Office will be closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the rest of the year.
Floodplain Resilience Workshop Oct. 14
NOAA Office for Coastal Management and North Carolina Sea Grant are hosting a free online workshop to examine opportunities and challenges that communities face as they find new uses for previously flooded parcels.
Chowan River Basin Plan Input Sought
The comment period is open for the draft 2020 Chowan River Basinwide Water Resources Plan, used to identify areas that need additional protection, restoration, or preservation.
Southern Flounder Plan Workshops Set
The Division of Marine Fisheries will hold online workshops with the advisory committee reviewing draft Amendment 3 to the Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan.
NC Begins Resilient Communities Program
State officials announced Thursday the N.C. Resilient Communities Program to address climate change affects and keep communities safer during future disasters.
Cape Hatteras to Begin Storm-Recovery Projects
Cape Hatteras National Seashore over the next two months will undergo four storm-related repair projects including the boat docks on Ocracoke, parking lot repair in Buxton, dune restoration and road repair.
Expiring IHAs Can’t Be Renewed: Filing
Government lawyers acknowledged Thursday that there’s no mechanism for extending seismic firms’ federal marine mammal incidental harassment authorizations that expire Nov. 30.
Fisheries Rule Change Comment Period Open
The Marine Fisheries Commission will hold two public hearings on proposed amendments and readoption of 50 rules under a state-mandated periodic review schedule.
Hertford Board to Consider Solar Moratorium
The Hertford County Board of Commissioners is holding a public hearing Monday to consider a proposed moratorium on solar farm development.
PFAS in NC Waters Virtual Forum Oct. 22
The North Carolina Coastal Federation, PFAST Network, NCDEQ and Cape Fear Public Utility Authority are hosting a free, online forum, “Emerging Contaminants in North Carolina Waters” at 10 a.m. Oct. 22.
Greenfield Lake Possible NCSU Research Site
North Carolina State University is looking at Wilmington’s Greenfield Lake for a state-funded ‘floating wetland islands’ project.
Pender County Shellfish Leases Hearing Set
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries is holding a public hearing at 6 p.m. Oct. 28 on five proposed shellfish leases in Pender County.
Carteret Strikes Its Down East Buffer Rule
Carteret County commissioners last week voted unanimously to remove an extra layer of water quality protection that has been in place for a decade in the part of the county known as Down East.
Dredging Near Ocracoke Village Underway
Dredging in Big Foot Slough in Pamlico Sound began Wednesday to make traveling between Ocracoke and Cedar Island and Swan Quarter safer for larger vessels.