North Carolina Environmental Management Commission members are to continue their discussion on regulating toxins in the air and water during the commission’s meeting this month.
Commission committees are scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Wednesday, July 10. Agenda items include the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s proposed groundwater and surface water standards for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, and a semi-annual progress report on 1,4 dioxane in the Cape Fear River Basin.
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At the full commission meeting set for 9 a.m. Thursday, July 11, members are to consider moving forward in the rulemaking process to revise ambient air quality standards and the periodic review of administering the dry cleaning solvent cleanup fund.
Meetings will take place in the Archdale Building in Raleigh and be streamed online. Webinar information, including the link, and meeting agendas and materials are on the website.
This commission oversees and adopts rules for several divisions of the Department of Environmental Quality, including the Divisions of Air Quality, Land Resources, Waste Management and Water Resources.