When the temperatures start to drop,the king of butterflies — the monarchs — begin their long and amazing migration back to the mountains Mexico.
A Different Kind of Commute
Todd Miller’s commute to work can include flocks of cormorants blackening the sky and pound nets as “highway” markers.
Mega-Port: Time to Fix Costly Error
The land that the state bought for a proposed mega-port near Southport isn’t worth anything near what the state paid for it six years ago. It’s time for the state to do right by its taxpayers.
Sea Level and the Naysayers
The longer climate-change naysayers prevent meaningful collective action against global warming the more severe its economic consequences will be for all of us.
Sam’s Field Notes: The Call of a Nightjar
The call of the chuck-will’s-widow is one of Sam’s favorites… as long as it’s in the distance.
Groin Study Is Beyond Saving
A complete permit application for a terminal groin at Figure Eight Island has never been submitted. So we ask: Why is an EIS being prepared?
30 Years and Counting
The idea took shape while Todd Miller was clamming with his father. Here, he reflects on 30 years of advocating for the N.C. coast.
Time for a Face-to-Face Meeting
The legislative debate over sea-level rise revealed a disturbing antipathy toward science among some legislator. Here’s one thing we can do.
Sam’s Field Notes: American Oyster Catcher
Sam Bland and a ranger friend spy a rare sight on Bear Island: American Oyster Catcher hatchlings. Come, read about their encounters.
A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats? (and Eventually Houses)
A new scientific report by the U.S. Geological Survey that tells us that the East Coast of the U.S. from Cape Hatteras north is a “hotspot” for rising seas is stunning. It should instill a new sense of urgency in our state’s leadership to plan for significant changes in our coastline in coming years.
Now the Rest of the Story
Opponents of the state’s policy on sea-level rise are fond of quoting a study of tides to prove the seas won’t rise as high a scientists expect. But the author says that’s not his study’s intent.
Thick as a Hunk of Granite
That’s how dense the environmental study is that was done for the proposed groin at Figure Eight Island.
Not A Good Day for N.C.
A N.C. Senate committee turned its back on science and the state’s proud traditions and passed the now-infamous sea-level rise bill.
Leave the CRC Alone
The Coastal Resources Commission was intended to represent a broad cross-section of people. A new bill will diminish that intent.
Putting Your $$ Where the Beach Is
Emerald Isle should be applauded for looking for ways to pay for beach re-nourishment projects with its own money.
Sam’s Field Notes: The Timber Rattlesnake
Sam Bland loves snakes, but when he comes across one unexpectedly, his perfectly understandable reaction is to run… and then go back for a look and a few photos.