Learn about the importance of pollinators during the Museum of the Albemarle’s History for Lunch beginning at noon Wednesday, June 21, in the Gaither Auditorium.
Beekeepers of the Albemarle member Paul Wand will share information on the importance of bees and beekeeping. The talk will highlight the exhibit, Pollination Investigation, on display now through March 2024 in the Elizabeth City museum.
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The museum will offer History for Lunch in-person and through Zoom. Register in advance through the museum’s Facebook page or its website to receive a link to attend the lecture virtually.
“Pollination Investigation” showcases how pollinators are vital for a strong ecosystem as most plants need their help to fertilize flowers and reproduce, according to the website. Presented by Smithsonian Gardens and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, the poster exhibition covers the the who, what, when, where, why, and how of pollination by interpreting the unique relationship between pollinators and flowers. The exhibit went on display in March.
The virtual program is supported by Friends of the Museum of the Albemarle.