The public can listen to the meeting by computer or at a listening station in the North Carolina Department of North Carolina Environmental Quality’s Wilmington Regional Office.
Fisheries advisory committees scheduled to meet in January
North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission committees will meet in January to discuss various fisheries topics including striped mullet and eastern oyster management plans, and seagrass protection.
Fisheries ask public to report any cold-stunned seatrout
Though no cold-stun events have been reported so far this season, officials say conditions in the coming weeks could affect spotted seatrout in coastal rivers and creeks.
Division to accept comments on striped mullet fishery
The public has until Jan. 17 to comment on the Striped Mullet Fishery Management Plan Draft Amendment 2 that contains a suite of proposed management options pertaining to the commercial and recreational fisheries.
Sea Grant funding available for aquaculture projects, programs
Projects that focus on the following aquaculture categories and organisms in both marine and freshwater are eligible for this competition and include microalgae and macroalgae, or seaweed, mollusks, crustaceans, ornamentals, baitfish, finfish species for food production, and miscellaneous invertebrates.
DEQ plans to use federal funds to expand coastal programs
Two divisions under DEQ have been been awarded funds for coastal community resilience, install living shorelines and low-impact stormwater retrofits.
Agencies’ joint rules conflict set ‘stage for a showdown’
The conflict between the Marine Fisheries Commission and Wildlife Resources Commission appears to have begun when the two state agencies decided to work together in 2018 on delineating jointly managed waters.
Proposed Pender County shellfish leases hearing Jan. 31
The public hearing at the Surf City Municipal Complex is on two proposed leases.
Division establishes new state record for almaco jack
Matt Frattasio of Massachusetts is the first North Carolina recordholder for Seriola rivoliana, otherwise known as almaco jack.
Public hearing set for Pamlico shellfish lease applications
The in-person hearing is Dec. 20 at the Pamlico County Courthouse in Bayboro.
Public hearing set for Carteret shellfish lease applications
The hearing will be at 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 14, at the division’s office in Morehead City and by WebEx.
Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project needs extra hands
Commercial fishers along the northern and central coasts have until Dec. 15 to submit their application to participate in the annual Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project.
Conflicting mullet, flounder seasons signal bigger problems
Seasons for popular fish in coastal and inland waters, which are subject to separate rules, didn’t coincide this year for the first time in years, laying bare a conflict between agencies that share regulatory authority over joint waters.
Commercial Fishing License Eligibility Board meets Monday
The teleconference meeting is to consider a license application that was tabled during the board’s October meeting.
‘Catastrophic crisis’: Imported shrimp flood US market
Shrimp imports are overwhelming domestic shrimp producers and driving prices for locally sourced shrimp to record lows, prompting demands that the federal government declare a fishery resource disaster.
Commercial fishing funds committees to meet Monday
The joint meeting of the Commercial Resource Fund Committee and the Funding Committee for the N.C. Commercial Fishing Resource Fund is Monday.