Half of the $1 million needed has been raised to restore the mid-1800s Reaves Chapel, which has fallen into disrepair over the last 15 years since a congregation last worshipped within its walls.
Black History Month
New Bern’s African American community focus of event
Dr. Erroll L. Royal will share highlights during a virtual presentation Feb. 17 on his most recent book, “Traces of Places and Faces of African Americans from the New Bern Community.”
Beaufort’s Union Town Civil War marker unveiling set
The newly installed Civil War Trails marker on Mulberry Street in Beaufort provides historical information about Union Town, a refugee camp built in 1862 by African Americans who fled enslavement to Union-occupied Beaufort.
Program on Cape Fear’s Black, faith-based communities set
Explore the legacy of Rev. Richard Keaton and the Black Missionary Movement in the Middle Cape Fear Region during the Feb. 18 program at the Pender County Library’s Burgaw location.
NASA’s ‘Human Computers’ exhibit at Albemarle museum
“When the Computer Wore a Skirt: NASA’s Human Computers” explores the history and personalities the film and book “Hidden Figures.”
‘They have got hold of the Bible’: Beaufort and the Civil War
The letters between an anti-slavery pastor and his daughter give a glimpse of Beaufort during the Civil War era, where escaped and liberated enslaved people could “come out of the shadow of slavery,” David Cecelski writes.