The Memorial Day weekend is the symbolic start of summer. Liz Biro, our food writer, kicks off the season with a story about a staple of backyard barbecues, church reunions and fish fries.
Wood Pellet Company to Protect N.C. Forests
Enviva, the wood pellet manufacturer, will give $295,000 in grants to two conservation groups to protect bottomland forests along the Neuse and Roanoke rivers. The company has come under fire from environmentalists for cutting down hardwood trees that its mills then turn into wood pellets that are burned by European power plants.
A Living Shoreline Laboratory
Morris Landing, 50 acres of preserved shoreline on Stump Sound in Onslow County, has become a testing ground for various techniques to protect shorelines and create oyster reefs.
Forget the Saffir-Simpson Scale
As we approach a new hurricane season, a storm expert reminds us that It’s not a hurricane’s winds that will get you. The wall of water called the storm surge causes much of the damage.
Sunset Beach De-annexation Bill Advances
A bill to remove certain areas of Sunset Beach from the town’s corporate limits moved forward in the N.C. General Assembly Tuesday, clearing a Senate State and Local Government Committee.
Will Beach Towns Seize Property?
Town officials hoping to build terminal groins say they don’t plan on taking private property for the needed easements. Eminent domain is politically unpopular and rarely used in North Carolina.
Terminal Groins: Easements Needed
Communities proposing terminal groins may have to get the permission of property owners to build these controversial structures. What happens if they say no? We explore possible answers in this Special Report.
Report: A Third of Bird Species Need Help
More than a third of all North American bird species need urgent conservation action, according to an annual report released this week.
Conservation Funds Boosted in Budget
The N.C. House of Representatives approved yesterday a spending plan that restores some of the conservation funds cut from the budget last year and includes a number of provisions supporting oyster revitalization efforts.
Back to Square One With Lost Colony?
After digging around Hatteras Island, English archaeologist Mark Horton has returned to the original theory that the Roanoke colonists went to live with the friendly Croatan Indians in what is today Buxton.
Report: Resources Boost Economy, Health
A new report measures the benefits the Albemarle-Pamlico watershed’s natural resources provide for the region’s residents and economy.
Silent Spring in Japan
Visiting environmentalists from Japan tell of a mountainous, forested country where the song of birds have been nearly stilled.
Time Running Out for Old Cemetery
Storms and rising seas threaten the Midgett Cemetery near Salvo on Hatteras Island. Efforts are underway to raise $120,000 to save the old cemetery, where generations of islanders are buried.
A Hurricane and the Treasure Fleet
Weather and treasure collided off the coast of Ocracoke in 1750 and the result was the greatest act of piracy in history. And Blackbeard had nothing to do with it.
Coastal Sketch: Gene and Sue Huntsman
The longtime members of the Carteret Wildlife Club and the driving force behind two major hiking trails will receive the Order of the Longleaf Pine, the state’s highest civilian honor.
Town Mulls Closing Street Wiped by Erosion
Nags Head officials are set to hold a public hearing on whether to close a portion of a town street lost to erosion or assess property owners to pay for its upkeep.