North Carolina Division of Coastal Management officials are in the process of determining priority areas and strategies for the 2026-2030 cycle of the Section 309 Assessment and Strategy, and are asking for public input.
The assessment and strategy is a process to evaluate and enhance the effectiveness of a coastal management program using guidelines outlined in Section 309 of the Coastal Zone Management Act, and allows for additional funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
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The division is asking the public to complete its Section 309 Survey available online until Nov. 22.
The division works to protect, conserve and manage the state’s coastal resources through an integrated program of planning, permitting, education and research.
Every five years, coastal programs, like the division, carry out the self-assessments to identify priority issues and enhancement opportunities within nine topic areas, and assess the effectiveness of existing management efforts to address identified issues.
The nine topic areas are wetlands, coastal hazards, public access, marine debris, cumulative and secondary impacts, special area management planning, ocean resources, energy and government facility siting, and aquaculture.
“Stakeholder feedback is an important part of this process and we are looking for your input,” division officials said. “Your input is a key component of this assessment, and we appreciate your time in providing your responses.”
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Division officials said they plan to welcome public comments on the draft assessment and strategy document, once it is complete.