Dr. Jane Hoppin is to give a presentation on the results of a recently published GenX study during the state Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board meeting Monday.
The meeting is at 10 a.m. in the Archdale Ground Floor Hearing room in Raleigh. The public is invited to attend the meeting in-person or online.
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Hoppin is a professor of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University and the principal investigator of a GenX exposure study.
The board is also expected to hear recommendations regarding the use of the existing literature on perfluoro-2-methoxyacetic acid, or PFMOAA, and a presentation to solicit feedback regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid, or PFOS, bioaccumulation factors included in the proposed draft aquatic life criteria, or standards for how much of a chemical can be present in surface water before it is likely to harm plant and animal life, and the state’s potential use of these criteria.
The full agenda is available on the website.
Participants can join using WebEx at https://ncdenrits.webex.com/ncdenrits/j.php?MTID=mdac16965d51a4d2212387359a5777acc. The meeting number us 2436 222 1701 and the password is NCDEQ. To listen by phone, call 415-655-0003 and use access code. 243 622 21701
The meeting is to include an in-person public comment period with opportunity to sign up upon arrival at the meeting.
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The Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board currently includes 13 professionals in toxicology, public health, ecology, engineering and other related fields. They advise the state departments of Environmental Quality and Health and Human Services by recommending reviews and evaluations of contaminants, acting as consultants on DEQ’s determinations to regulate contaminants, and helping the agencies identify contaminants of concern and determine which contaminants should be studied further.
To learn more about the board and hear recordings of past meetings, please visit: https://deq.nc.gov/about/boards-and-commissions/secretaries-science-advisory-board.