The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission will meet March 10 in Raleigh to consider the readoption of groundwater classifications and standards.
These rules are to protect groundwater quality, which the commission feels is best used as a source of drinking water, according to the proposed rules. Officials said there are no major changes proposed, rather the revisions are mostly for clarification.
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Committee meetings are set for March 9. The Air Quality Committee begins at 10:15 a.m., the Groundwater & Waste Management Committee at 11:30 a.m. and the Water Quality Committee at 1:30 p.m. The full commission meets 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 10.
The meetings will be in the Ground Floor Hearing Room of the Archdale Building at 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh. Face coverings are optional for staff and attendees. There will be limited seating, and public may attend via remote access.
The commission will also consider moving forward with the public hearing on requirements for permit application and for groundwater monitoring, assessment and corrective action for construction and demolition and municipal solid waste landfill facilities.
Meeting information and the agenda are on the Department of Environmental Quality’s Environmental Management Commission webpage.
The Environmental Management Commission is responsible for adopting rules for the protection, preservation and enhancement of the state’s air, land and water resources. The commission oversees and adopts rules for several divisions of the Department of Environmental Quality, including the divisions of Air Quality; Energy, Mineral and Land Resources; Waste Management and Water Resources.