Of the 13 municipalities chosen for a grant to help with bicycle and pedestrian planning, two are on the coast.
North Carolina Department of Transportation officials announced Wednesday the towns and cities selected for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant program initiated to help communities develop a comprehensive strategy for expanding bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and improving safety.
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On the coast, Shallotte will receive funds for a joint bicycle and pedestrian plan and Wilmington for a pedestrian plan update. Other recipients include Garner for a pedestrian plan; Belmont, Nashville and Mount Airy for a pedestrian plan update; and Burnsville, Catawba, Franklinton, Hayesville, Jamestown, Lake Waccamaw and Nashville for a joint bicycle and pedestrian plan.
Plans funded are not for one specific project, but represent a comprehensive strategy for expanding bicycle and pedestrian opportunities within a given municipality. These plans address facilities, programs and policies that encourage safe walking and bicycling.
The NCDOT Integrated Mobility Division and the Transportation Planning Division​ sponsor the annual matching grant program. Now in its 19th year, the program has awarded more than $7.5 million for 244 plans in 238 municipalities and six counties through this grant program.