Nags Head residents can subscribe now for curbside recycling beginning May 1.
The town’s board of commissioners during its March 3 meeting approved a contract with TFC Recycling of Chesapeake, Virginia, for residential subscription-based curbside recycling at a rate of $9 a month.
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“We’re excited for the curbside recycling service to start so our homeowners can once again have their recyclables actually recycled,” said Mayor Ben Cahoon in a statement. “We appreciate everyone’s patience as we moved through the process to ensure we did what we determined to be best for our town. TFC is a family-operated recycler focusing on collecting, processing, recovering, and responsibly disposing of post-industrial and post-consumer recyclables, so we are confident they are passionate about recycling and providing quality service to their customers.”
For curbside recycling service, residents need to provide contact information at TFC Recycling will contact those on the list to set up an account. The town needs a minimum number of subscribers before the service will start. For more information on TFC, visit
Since the new subscription recycling program is voluntary, the town’s ordinance no longer requires a minimum number of recycling carts, but there is a requirement for seasonal rental units to maintain one trash cart for every two bedrooms.
In 2016, blue carts were issued to residences at no charge. The town had purchased the carts with help from the North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality’s Community Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant Program.
Nags Head staff are to begin collecting the blue recycling carts next week from each residence to eliminate confusion and reissue the carts to those households subscribing with TFC. The recycling carts may be used free of charge. Collection will begin March 15 along South Virginia Dare Trail north of Gulfstream Street in the Whalebone Junction area. Residents should place their carts by the road on the day of trash service and left there until collected. The remaining areas of Nags Head will be collected in following weeks. Additional information regarding the cart collection process will be available at
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Property owners who paid a fee for additional carts after 2016 may call Nags Head’s Public Works office at 252-441-1122 to inquire about a credit or refund.
“We approved several changes to our trash collection schedule and the routes to improve our sanitation services,” said Cahoon. “Our refuse collection is challenging due to the weekly influx of new, temporary residents in our warmer months and the landfill’s limited Saturday operating hours. Staff thoroughly analyzed our collection routes and their volumes, along with many other variables, to determine the most efficient, productive, and logical method for collecting waste in Nags Head.”
To meet TFC’s curbside recycling service calendar, the town changed its collection routes and schedule effective May 1. The schedule will remain the same throughout the year. New routes and the schedule are available at