The panel of scientists that advises the secretaries of the state departments of Environmental Quality and Health and Human Services is set to meet at 10 a.m. Aug. 31, by WebEx to discuss public comments on developing public health and environmental standards on hexavalent chromium and new mammalian toxicology studies for standard setting on GenX.
The Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board, which includes 16 experts in toxicology, public health, ecology, engineering and other related fields, assists the DEQ and DHHS by recommending reviews and evaluations of contaminants, acting as consultants on DEQ’s determinations to regulate contaminants, and helping the agencies identify contaminants of concern and determine which contaminants should be studied further.
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The departments of Environmental Quality and of Health and Human Services in June 2018 asked the Science Advisory Board to review and make recommendations on hexavalent chromium science to use for developing public health and environmental standards. The board drafted for public a review a report and accepted comment through June 1.
Register for the meeting by 5 p.m. Aug. 27 to speak. Anyone who registered to speak for the Aug. 3 meeting postponed because of Hurricane Isaias will not need to register again.
DEQ highly recommends testing your computer’s WebEx capabilities prior to the meeting at https://www.webex.
Visit the DEQ website to hear recordings of past meetings and learn more about the board.