RALEIGH – Hexavalent chromium occurs naturally in groundwater and is also found in coal ash. Studies show that exposure to hexavalent chromium can cause mutations and cancer.
The Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health and Human Services in 2018 asked the Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board to provide recommendations on the appropriate science to be used to develop regulatory standards for groundwater and surface water to protect public health and the environment. The draft report includes a review of the current hexavalent chromium toxicological science related to a linear versus a non-linear exposure response. Now the board is requesting public comment on its draft report.
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Comments will be accepted through June 1 and can be submitted to the Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board via email to publiccomments@ncdenr.gov.
The draft report, research documents, presentations and audio recordings of past board meeting discussions are available for review on the Department of Environmental Quality website.
The Secretaries’ Science Advisory Board members represent academic institutions and the public and private sectors. The board assists the Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Health and Human Services by providing guidance on how to manage contaminants to better protect public health and the environment.