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The North Carolina Coastal Federation has been recommended for funding to add to an oyster sanctuary in the Pamlico Sound.
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Through the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration Restoration Center’s Community-based Restoration Program, 31 new and continuing habitat restoration projects were recommended in July to be awarded nearly $13 million total to restore habitat and ecosystems in 15 states and territories. From July to September, awards will be finalized by NOAA grants official and recipients will be formally notified.
The North Carolina Coastal Federation, in partnership with the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, has been recommended for $750,000 to add up to 15 acres of new oyster reef habitat to the Swan Island Oyster Sanctuary in Pamlico Sound. Restoration will benefit species such as gag grouper and white, brown and pink shrimp.
The Nature Conservancy also has been recommended to receive $259,986 to restore the floodplain and remove barriers to fish migration on the Roanoke River in North Carolina. In addition to restoring habitat for shortnose sturgeon, Atlantic sturgeon, and river herring, the project will reduce flooding and enhance water quality in local communities.
In addition to supporting coastal and marine species, habitat restoration benefits the coastal communities that rely on those habitats for clean drinking water, flood and storm protection, and industries like boating, fishing and tourism.
The NOAA Restoration Center within the Office of Habitat Conservation supports habitat restoration projects across the country and provides technical and financial assistance to partners across the country to develop high-quality habitat restoration projects.
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The community-based restoration program has partnered with more than 2,900 organizations since 1996 to take on more than 2,180 projects, restoring more than 92,000 acres of habitat and opening up 4,126 miles of streams and rivers to fish migration.