The public can participate at 6 p.m. Aug. 27 in the state Division of Marine Fisheries hearing by webinar on proposed shellfish leases in Carteret County.
The following are the proposed shellfish leases:
Supporter Spotlight
- Adam Olander has applied for a 0.82-acre shellfish bottom lease in the Newport River.
- Barrett Bay Inc., Cathrine Barrett, agent, has applied for a 3.84-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in the White Oak River.
- David Osborne and Hardy Bobbitt have applied for a 0.59-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in the South River.
- Blackbeard Oyster Co. LLC. Matthew Gruenewald, agent, has applied for a 0.88-acre shellfish bottom lease in the Newport River.
- Kenneth Williams has applied for a 2.05-acre shellfish bottom and water column lease in the Newport River.
The public can participate in the meeting online or by telephone. Meeting phone number is 1-415-655-0003. The access code is 161 591 9381.
Also, the public may comment on the proposed shellfish leases in writing. Written comments will be accepted until 6 p.m. Aug. 28 and should be submitted to the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, Shellfish Leases, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557.
To find out the status of a current shellfish lease application or about the location of an active or terminated shellfish lease, use the Division of Marine Fisheries’ Shellfish Lease and Aquaculture Program interactive shellfish aquaculture tool. The map was designed to allow the public to follow the application process.For more information, contact Marla Chuffo, with the division’s Habitat and Enhancement Section, at 252-808-8048 or Marla.Chuffo@ncdenr.gov.
Links to all public hearing information, including webinar instructions, the call-in telephone number, presentation slides, and biological investigation can be found here.