Real estate professionals can learn about low-impact development basics for water quality protection during a virtual workshop 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 14.
Register online for the free workshop held via WebEx that will show how land use decisions impact water quality.
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Participants will hear about low-impact development, or LID, techniques help protect water quality as well as the the cost and benefits of implementing these techniques.
There will be a virtual tour of the Wrightsville Beach Loop for Clean Water and LID on the Outer Banks as well as a session on do-it-yourself solutions to reduce stormwater pollution, all with North Carolina Coastal Federation staff.
There will also be information on managing stormwater control measures to meet state and local regulations and to maintain functionality, and aesthetics and funding available to implement stormwater improvements.
Real estate professionals will receive four elective continuing education credits from the N.C. Real Estate Commission, which requires the workshop be held in one continuous block to qualify for continuing education credits.