The North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission meeting scheduled for April 8-9 in Manteo has been canceled based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the Division of Coastal Management announced Tuesday.
All agenda items will be moved to the June 10-11 meeting. The location is to be announced.
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The Coastal Resources Commission, or CRC, was created in 1974 when the General Assembly adopted the Coastal Area Management Act, or CAMA, which covers the 20 coastal counties.
The CRC establishes policies for the North Carolina Coastal Management Program and adopts rules for both CAMA and the N.C. Dredge and Fill Act. The commission designates areas of environmental concern, adopts rules and policies for coastal development within those areas, and certifies local land use plans, according to the website.
For the latest information on COVID-19 in North Carolina, go to: www.ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus or call 866-462-3821 for health-related questions.