The state office that helps homeowners and local governments with disaster recovery and resiliency is accepting public comments on proposed new mitigation funding use to help owners of properties at risk of flooding by elevating structures.
The North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency will accept comments until 5 p.m. Dec. 14 on a proposed amendment to how it administers Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant-Mitigation funds.
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Changes being considered include allocations to the Affordable Housing Development Fund, the Public Housing Restoration Fund, the Infrastructure Recovery Program and Strategic Buyout Program, among other updates.
A draft of the new Substantial Action Plan Amendment 6 for mitigation funding is available for review online.
“The proposed action plan amendment is intended to address homeowner mitigation needs, including establishing the Residential Property Elevation Fund, which will be used to rehabilitate, reconstruct or replace properties located in a floodplain or at risk of future flooding,” according to the state. “The new fund will help protect properties against future flood damage through structural elevations and related activities.”
This fund is separate from the Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery-funded ReBuild NC Homeowner Recovery Program, which mostly serves properties that do not need home elevation.
Submit comments to either or to NCORR Public Comments, P.O. Box 110465, Durham, NC 27709.
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In addition to mitigation initiatives, the office administers programs that include long-term disaster recovery, resiliency, community development, affordable housing, strategic buyout and local infrastructure.