“Christmas on the North End,” an event focused on historic holiday traditions of the early days on the Outer Banks, is set for 3-7 p.m. Dec. 1-2 at Island Farm just north of Manteo on Roanoke Island.
The homeplace will be decorated inside and out and lit by candlelight, while historic interpreters demonstrate traditional mid-19th century traditions of food, celebration, and holiday craft.
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Visitors will be able to visit with St. Nicholas, enjoy fresh cider, jumbles, which is a 19th century sugar cookie, bonfires, musket firing and the circa 1847 Etheridge homeplace through a series of vignette. There will also be candle making, ornament crafting, and grapevine wreath making.
Admission for the event is $10 for 4 and older, free for 3 and younger. This event is sponsored by the Outer Banks Visitors Bureau.
Island Farm is owned and operated by Outer Banks Conservationists, a nonprofit organization founded in 1980 to protect natural, cultural, and historic resources along North Carolina’s Outer Banks through education and conservation of a sense of place.
For more information, visit www.obcinc.org, email islandfarm@obcinc.org or call 252-473-6500.