Interested in working a job to restore land that was once part of a wood-treatment facility in Navassa?
Local contractors Carl & Sons Construction Co. Inc. and SR&R Environmental Inc. are seeking area companies and Navassa residents to work as either employees or subcontractors on a portion of the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. Superfund Site.
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Those companies are hosting a hiring outreach event Tuesday from 4-6 p.m. at the Navassa Community Center, 338 Main St.
Individuals with experience as truck drivers, flaggers, heavy equipment operators, and field technicians are of particular interest to the contractors. Training opportunities for those who wish to work but do not have experience will be made available on an as-needed basis.
Work will take place in an area of the site the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency refers to as operable unit 2, or OU2.
A little more than 1.5 acres of surface soils within the 16-acre area are contaminated with levels of dioxin and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons considered to pose an unacceptable risk to people and the environment.
Nearly 3,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil will be dug up from the area and moved to another portion of the Superfund Site and temporarily stored.
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The land was added to the EPA’s National Priorities List of federal Superfund sites in 2010 after creosote contamination was discovered in the soil, marsh and groundwater in various portions of the site.
More than 40 years of wood-treatment operations occurred on the site before the plant was shut down for good in the mid-1970s.