The threatened oceanfront structures interagency work group is set to meet at 9 a.m. May 24 to discuss the role of public and private insurance with erosion-threatened structures.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Coastal Management and Cape Hatteras National Seashore officials are hosting the meeting to be held via web conference.
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The public may listen by computer or phone. Use the link to join the meeting online. Call 415-655-0003 to join by phone. Access code is 24222325519. Password is 49462923 from phones.
The interagency was established in August 2022 to engage with partner organizations and stakeholders to identify, research, and recommend policy and program improvements to establish more proactive, comprehensive and predictable strategies for addressing structures at immediate risk of collapse.
Interested parties may submit comments by email to DCMcomments@ncdenr.gov with “Threatened Oceanfront Structures” in the subject line.