The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission Science Panel is holding its annual review of new studies and information on sea level next week.
The web meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, and is open to the public.
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The panel provides scientific data and makes recommendations to the commission, which has tasked the panel with conducting annual reviews of any new and significant scientific literature and studies on the possible implications of sea level rise at state, regional and local levels.
If members of the panel determine there is enough new information to warrant a report or new analyses, the panel will present its findings to the commission and the public.
To join the meeting by Webex go to https://ncgov.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/ncgov/meeting/download/32c2d833f4d54cd3bc0e364b25e39303?siteurl=ncgov&MTID=m9950f695768235704fab4409e48ea78c
The meeting number is 2435 222 4720 and the password is 2022.
To join by phone, call (415) 655-0003 and use the meeting number and password above.
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The public may submit comments at the meeting or by email to DCMcomments@ncdenr.gov. List “Science Panel” in the subject line.