The Secretary’s Environmental Justice and Equity Advisory Board will hold its quarterly business meeting at 3 p.m. Oct. 13 in Raleigh.
An agenda is to be provided closer to the meeting date, officials said.
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The public can attend the meeting in-person at the Green Square Training Room, 217 West Jones St., or online via WebEx at https://ncdenrits.webex.com/ncdenrits/j.php?MTID=m04e9bbb132bb998da0913a9d92737b9e.
The public can also call 415-655-0003 to listen. Use meeting number is 2433 142 8755 and password EJEABQ3, or 3532273 from phones.
There will be a public comment period at 5 p.m. To comment in-person or online, fill out the online speaker form by 10 a.m. Oct. 13.
Board members were selected from across North Carolina to represent the diverse cultures. To view a full list of the board’s members and additional meeting materials, visit the board’s website.