The Rules Review Commission is expected to consider proposed, temporary and permanent rules submitted by several state commissions and boards, such as the Environmental Management and Coastal Resources commissions when it meets in September.
The Rules Review Commission meets in-person Sept. 15 at 1711 New Hope Church Road in Raleigh, with limited capacity for the public. The public can view the meeting online using WebEx. Password is 1234. To listen by phone, call 1-415-655-0003 and use access code 2429 743 6092.
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The Rules Review Commission is the executive agency created by the General Assembly in 1986 and charged with reviewing and approving rules adopted by state agencies.
The Environmental Management Commission is on the agenda because of an objection by the rules commission made during its May meeting. The Coastal Resources Commission asked for an extension to give staff more time to address technical changes in dozens of rules during the July meeting, which is to be followed-up during the September meeting.
The agenda, which includes links detailing the actions taken so far with the review of these rules and others, is available on the state Office of Administrative Hearings website.
The public may submit written comments or sign up to speak at a commission meeting, but the commission may only consider comments based upon statutory authority, clarity, necessity and compliance with the Administrative Procedure Act.
To submit comments on a permanent rule, email and copy the agency’s rulemaking coordinator on the email by Sept. 8.
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To submit comments on a temporary rule, email and copy the agency’s rulemaking coordinator on the email by Sept. 14.
To speak for or against a rule during an commission meeting, email the staff attorney handling the rule to request to speak and state whether you will speak in favor of or in opposition to the rule.
Staff attorney assignments are noted next to rules on the agenda below and contact information can be found online. The deadline to sign up to speak regarding a permanent rule is Sept. 13, and the deadline to speak regarding a temporary rule is Sept. 15.