David Andrews, who most recently served as town manager for Boiling Springs Lakes, will begin his new role as Pender County manager Sept. 1.
The Pender County Board of Commissioners made the announcement following a closed session Monday during its regular meeting.
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Before Andrews managed Boiling Spring Lakes, he was manager of Carrboro for more than 10 years “where he was instrumental in strengthening the town’s arts and entertainment district, promoted tourism and economic development, implemented a community outreach program, and supported remediation efforts for a neighborhood adversely affected by a former landfill,” according to the county.
“Mr. Andrews brings many strengths to Pender County, including land use, budget and finance, economic development, and strategic planning,” said Chairman David Piepmeyer in a statement.
Piepmeyer added that Andrews has experience working with grants for large capital projects, most recently the Boiling Springs dam restoration project. He is also acquainted with the bond process, which is helpful for the upcoming Pender County school bond referendum that will appear on the November ballot.
Andrews began his career in the South Tucson as a finance director in 1991. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona with a master’s in public administration. He also holds a bachelor’s in accounting from Stephen F. Austin State University. Andrews is a certified and credentialed manager and is recognized by the International City/County Management Association.