Updated July 18:
The National Weather Service announced two more dates for hurricane community forums being offered online and in-person.
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The free public discussions about hurricane preparedness include a discussion with a meteorologist on hurricanes and their impacts on Eastern North Carolina. Forums took place last month in Holly Ridge and Pine Knoll Shores and two more are expected to be held on the Outer Banks in August.
The next forum is to take place at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Oriental Town Hall, 507 Church St., Oriental. Sign up online to attend virtually.
A forum is also scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, July 25, at the Crystal Coast Civic Center, 203 College Circle, Morehead City. Register online to attend virtually.
Originally published June 14:
Join National Weather Service meteorologists either in person or online to discuss storm preparedness in eastern North Carolina during this year’s hurricane community forums.
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In its fourth year, the forums will feature a presentation from a meteorologist about hurricanes and their impacts on Eastern North Carolina. Topics include why it’s important to focus on the more than just the category of the storm and why all of five impacts from any tropical cyclone are important to learn about.
The forums will be offered online or in-person. The first hurricane community forum is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 14, at Holly Ridge Community Center. 404 Sound Road, Holly Ridge. Sign up to attend virtually.
The next forum is at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 21, at Pine Knoll Shores Town Hall, 100 Municipal Circle, Pine Knoll Shores. Sign up to attend virtually. Organizers will announce more forum dates, most likely in July on the Outer Banks.
“We will go over why you should never just focus on just the category of the storm, what the hurricane path track means and the various impacts tropical cyclones can bring,” organizers said. “We will also cover the hurricane outlook for the year while emphasizing that it only takes one storm to make an impact on your life! At the end you will be able to ask questions you may have.”