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A lone paddleboarder moves over the slick waters of Onslow Bay near the Bogue Inlet Pier in Emerald Isle. Photo: Dylan Ray
by Dylan Ray
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A lone paddleboarder moves over the slick waters of Onslow Bay near the Bogue Inlet Pier in Emerald Isle. Photo: Dylan Ray
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Dylan Baker Ray was raised in Greenville. His love for photojournalism began in high school where Ray worked as a photographer and cartoonist for to the school paper. After receiving a degree in photojournalism at Randolf Technical Institute, he moved to the Crystal Coast to become the chief photographer and eventually photo editor during his 15 years at the Carteret County News-Times. He has accrued more than 20 North Carolina Press Association awards in photojournalism and continues his work documenting and preserving the residents and their lives along the Southern Outer Banks. He lives in Beaufort with his wife and daughters.
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