The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District is asking for feedback and is offering an online public information meeting May 10 on proposed ways to address frequent and severe flooding within the Neuse River Basin.
The Corps prepared the Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment for the Neuse River Basin Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study.
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Neuse River Basin headwaters begin northwest of Durham, flow southeast about 250 miles to the New Bern-Havelock area, then empties into the Pamlico Sound. The basin covers about 6,200 square miles and is in all or part of 18 counties.
The draft report reviews alternatives designed to reduce ongoing flood risks throughout the Neuse River Basin such as a no-action plan as well as various combinations of structural and nonstructural measures, the document states.
The virtual public information meeting will take place 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 10. The meeting will be available online. Meeting access number is 2762 442 7922. Organizers recommend for the best audio connection calling 844-800-2712.
Questions about the May 10 virtual meeting or formal comments on the study can be emailed to by May 25.