The newest edition of the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s North Carolina Scenic Byways has been updated to include 11 new byways and several extensions.
The last edition of the scenic byways guidebook was released in 2008. Now, the state has 62 scenic byways, which include the Outer Banks National Scenic Byway and more than a dozen others on the coastal plain.
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This is the fifth edition of the Scenic Byways Guidebook and is available for free download at the scenic byways webpage. A hard copy can be requested by filling out an online form or mailing a request to North Carolina Byways Program, 1557 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1577. Be sure to include your full mailing address.
There also is an interactive map on the scenic byways webpage to help motorists plan their trip.
The Scenic Byways program was launched in 1994 for motorists to experience a bit of North Carolina’s history, geography and scenery while raising awareness for the protection and preservation of these areas. To help preserve the roads’ intrinsic qualities, designated routes do not allow for new billboards to be erected along them.
Four of these byways are recognized by the Federal Highway Administration as national scenic byways. The Blue Ridge Parkway, which is included in the guidebook, is a recognized All-American Road but is managed by the National Park Service.
For more information on the Scenic Byways Program, or to request a Scenic Byways Guidebook, visit