The North Carolina Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Steering Committee is scheduled to meet next month to review a draft amendment, including recommended actions.
The meeting is set for 1-4 p.m. Aug. 3 and will be held online by web conference.
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Also on the meeting agenda, the North Carolina Coastal Federation and Pew Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Workgroup will give a report to the steering committee.
The public can join online at Use meeting number, or access code, 161 675 1697 and password: 1234. To join by phone, call 1-415-655-0003.
A coastwide habitat plan became needed in the 1990s when fish populations, habitat, and water quality concerns were becoming increasingly evident. Resource managers, fishermen, the public, and the legislature recognized that addressing habitat and water quality degradation was critical to improve and sustain fish stocks, as well as the coastal ecosystem, according to the draft.
For more information, contact with the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership or with the Division of Marine Fisheries.