Applications are due by 5 p.m. Aug. 3 for the 2020 Graduate Fellowship in Estuarine Research.
The fellowship, which will be up to $10,000, will fund a graduate student based in North Carolina to conduct applied research within the North Carolina portion of the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership boundary.
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APNEP and North Carolina Sea Grant are accepting applications from graduate students for hypothesis-based research that addresses one or more of the following areas: estuary spatial planning, submerged aquatic vegetation, coastal water quality, ecological flows and/or oyster restoration.
Complete instructions, including more information on focus areas for these proposals, are available online at ncseagrant.ncsu.edu/Fellowships and all applications must be completed through the Sea Grant portal, go.ncsu.edu/ncesg.
“We are excited to continue our partnership linking the Sea Grant and National Estuary Program networks in support of this research fellowship opportunity, which helps inform the conservation and management of the nation’s second largest estuarine system,” said Tim Ellis, APNEP’s quantitative ecologist.
John Fear, Sea Grant deputy director, added that this year the fellowship takes on new meaning. “Providing student opportunities is one of our program’s overarching aims and we are excited to be able to continue to seek outstanding applicants.”
Proposed work should relate to the APNEP Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan and to North Carolina Sea Grant’s Strategic Plan, as well as Sea Grant’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
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Graduate students at historically Black colleges and universities and minority serving institutions or from traditionally underserved and underrepresented communities, as well as from graduate students who can demonstrate how their work and related outreach will benefit underserved and underrepresented communities are encouraged to apply.
For more information, contact John Fear at Sea Grant, jmfear@ncsu.edu, or Tim Ellis of APNEP, tim.ellis@apnep.org.