WILMINGTON – New Hanover County announced this week a new online tool for developers to submit applications and obtain county permits.
The Customer Online Application and Services Tool, or COAST, is the result of a partnership between the county and Wilmington city officials and provides what’s described as better access to information, such as tracking where permits are in the process, and improved reporting capabilities, online fee payments and a streamlined process.
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“Two years ago, New Hanover County staff began the process to create a sustainable software for all things development related, which is an incredibly quick turnaround time for a system of this magnitude,” said Chris Coudriet, the county manager. “From the beginning, we brought members of the development community together to help make this system the best it can be. With their feedback and the work of our team, COAST is going to make doing business with the county much easier; and it will help create a seamless, transparent and predictable process for our customers.”
The first phase launched Monday and includes all commercial and residential building processes, trade permits, new commercial and residential site processes, rezoning and subdivision permits and appeals, and engineering processes for New Hanover County.
The system will also incorporate Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Wilmington zoning and city fire officials in the review steps. Additional development processes, as well as standalone city processes, are expected to be implemented within the next year.
Customers who prefer not to create an online account in COAST are still welcome to submit development applications in person at the county’s Development Services Center, 230 Government Center Drive in Wilmington.