CHICAGO — Leaders of community-based organizations and citizen groups are eligible to participate in Flood Forum USA’s Flood-Fighter’s Boot Camp.
Flood Forum USA is an initiative of Anthropocene Alliance, an Illinois-based nonprofit, launched in April 2017. The group says it helps people harmed by flooding from across the U.S. “get organized, heard and supported.”
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The yearlong educational boot camp is designed to help leaders of these groups understand the range of flooding problems and the best solutions.
Flood Forum USA is in partnership with the Thriving Earth Exchange, a program of the American Geophysical Union, and The Elevated Studio, a nonprofit group that works with local officials and communities to assist in recovery, planning and policy recommendations.
A mini-grant of $1,000 is to be provided to help defray expenses associated with participating in the program.
After the year is done, boot camp participants will be invited to continue working with Flood Forum USA as part of the coalition of Flood Forums.
Deadline is June 30. Successful applicants are to be notified no later than the end of July and the program is to begin in September.