Groups along the North Carolina’s coast will hold hands in protest Saturday against planned drilling for oil and gas offshore as part of Hands Across the Sand.
From Nags Head to Sunset Beach, there are about a dozen events planned on the coast, part of 113 synchronized events across 17 states and seven countries “to raise awareness about the dangers of dirty fuels and the need to speed the transition to available, affordable clean energy solutions,” according to a press release from the organization.
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“Hands Across the Sand participants will urge more elected officials to formally oppose the Trump administration’s draft plan to expand offshore drilling and to take a stronger stand against the expansion of offshore drilling along the coast,” the release continued.
Event Locations and Details:
- Bonnett Street Access in Nags Head. Park at Bonnett Street or nearby accesses. Begin to arrive at 9 a.m., speeches begin at 9:30 a.m. and hand holding begins at 10 a.m. Contact: Ivy Ingram, 252-256-0423.
- Lifeguard Beach on Ocracoke. Meet at noon.
- Fort Macon State Park in Atlantic Beach. Meet at 11:30 a.m. Turn right off Fort Macon Road at Swimming Beach/Bathhouse Beach entrance just after entering the park, 2303 East Fort Macon Road. Contact: Dale Hocker, 252-349-1668 or dale.hocker@gmail.com.
- Emerald Isle Beach, West Of Bogue Inlet Pier, 100 Bogue Inlet Drive. Meet at 11:30 a.m. Contact: Valerie Johnson and Sue Stone, 919-906-4228 or gocoastalgirl@gmail.com.
- Surf City Boardwalk, 102 North Shore Drive, Surf City. Meet at 10:30 p.m. to gather and prepare for joining hands. Contact: Christopher Medlin, 910-358-4912.
- Blockade Runner Resort in Wrightsville Beach, 275 Waynick Blvd., Wrightsville Beach. Contact: Save Our Sea NC, 910-471-1616.
- Wrightsville Beach Stone Street Beach Access No. 29, 1 South Lumina Ave. Meet at 11:45 a.m. Contact: Bruce Holsten, 910-471-1616 or bruce@americanharbor.com; Randy Sturgill, 910-713-8251 or rsturgill@oceana.org.
- Kure Beach Pier K Ave. Beach Access Kure Beach: Contact: Kevin Piacenza, 919-412-2501 or chair@capefear.surfrider.org
- Oak Island, 4601 East Beach Drive. Meet at 11:45 a.m. at the beach cabanas, directly behind the Oak Island Town Hall. Look for the blue Oceana tent. Contact: Vicki Sturgill, 704-609-4521.
- Holden Beach At Jordan Boulevard Beach Access. Meet at 11:45 a.m. Contact: Dwight and Becky Willis, 910-540-2614.
- Ocean Isle Beach Community Center 4 East First St., Ocean Isle Beach. Meet at 11:45 a.m. Contact: Laura Ward, 910-620-5756 or lauraward1717@gmail.com
- Sunset Beach Fishing Pier, Sunset Beach. Meet at 11:45 a.m. Contact: Kristen Colleran,
910-363-6215 or wweb28469@gmail.com.
Floridian Dave Rauschkolb founded Hands Across the Sand/Land in October 2009. Hands Across the Sand/Land is sponsored by national environmental organizations including Oceana, Surfrider Foundation, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, Sierra Club, Earth Ethics, Center for Biological Diversity, Another Gulf is Possible, Redfin and Gulf Restoration Network.
For questions, contact Vicki Sturgill – Hands Regional Organizer at 910-713-8250 or vickisturgill@gmail.com.