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Coastal Resources Commission members are scheduled to discuss during closed session at their meeting next week the Rules Revision Commission’s April 8 objection to temporary rules, including protections for Jockey’s Ridge.
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The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, at the Dare County Government Center in Manteo, and resume at 9 a.m. Thursday, April 25. A public input and comment period is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. April 25. At the chair’s discretion, comments may be limited to three minutes per person.
The public may attend the meeting in-person or join the web conference online.
The Coastal Resources Advisory Council will meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday, also at the government center. This meeting will be in-person only.
A full meeting agenda and briefing materials can be found on the CRC website. Times indicated on the agenda for individual items are subject to change
Commissioners will hear Wednesday afternoon presentations on sea level rise impacts, sea level and high tide flooding predictions, sunny day flood monitoring and water level monitoring.
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When the meeting resumes on Thursday, commission members are to hear updates on the Resilient Coastal Communities Program, and consider variance requests for a private dock in Kitty Hawk and urban waterfront use in Wilmington.
Staff are to then present recommendations for permanent rulemaking, as well, including for work plats, or project plans, standards, the application process and public notice requirements. Staff will also make recommendations for major development and dredge & fill applications, permit conditions and mitigation projects, the Jockey’s Ridge Area of Environmental Concern, and wheat straw bales for sand fencing installation and maintenance.
The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Coastal Management carries out the state’s Coastal Area Management Act, the Dredge and Fill Law and the federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 in the 20 coastal counties, using rules and policies of the Coastal Resources Commission.