The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries recently certified a new state record red hind, scientifically known Epinephelus guttatus.
Christopher Rocci of Morehead City caught the 10-pound, 2.4-ounce fish July 27 45 miles offshore of Beaufort Inlet.
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The previous state record red hind weighed 9 pounds, 12.1 ounces, and was caught off Wrightsville Beach earlier this year.
Rocci’s fish measured 25.5 inches total length, from the tip of the snout to the tip of the compressed tail, and had a 20.25-inch girth.
The fish was landed using a Penn Ally II rod with an Okuma SLX-50WII reel with squid and pinfish on 80-pound braid.
For more information on state record fish, go to the division’s State Saltwater Records webpage.