Brunswick County residents can help keep their property and waterways free of debris and harmful chemicals by taking advantage of “Free Clean Up Week” this week at the Brunswick County Landfill.
Located at 172 Landfill Road in Bolivia, hours for the landfill are 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.
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Residents can dispose of metal, tires, electronics, appliances, latex paint, clothing, shoes, used oil, oil filters, antifreeze, gasoline, fluorescent bulbs, used cooking oil, smoke detectors, household batteries and yard debris in the designated area. The landfill will not accept regular household trash and hazardous waste.
Participants must show proof of Brunswick County property ownership or residency.
Businesses and commercial vehicles will be charged normal tipping fees.
The Brunswick County Solid Waste and Recycling Division hosts two free clean up weeks a year, the third week in April and September.
For questions, contact Brunswick County Operation Services at 910-253-2520 or email