Celebrate the creeks, rivers and streams in the Cape Fear region March 13-18 during Cape Fear Creek Week.
Cape Fear Creek Week is a collaboration between North Carolina Cooperative Extension, City of Wilmington’s Heal our Waterways, Cape Fear River Watch, North Carolina Coastal Land Trust, and New Hanover County Soil and Water Conservation District.
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Learn more about Cape Fear Creek Week on its website.
During the special week of programming, there will be educational presentations, nature hikes and a photo contest.
Wilmington’s Heal our Waterways Photo Contest kicks off Monday, March 13. The public can submit photos related to Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek for a chance to win a 50-gallon rain barrel, an $85 value. The Heal Our Waterways Program is a Wilmington initiative to improve water quality in Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek using on-the-ground solutions to stormwater pollution.
All photo files must be submitted to healourwaterways@wilmingtonnc.gov no later than 11:59 p.m. March 17. When submitting the photo, include who took the photo, where it was taken and any other necessary details. All photos will be added to the Heal Our Waterways website and may be featured throughout the week to celebrate Creek Week.
“Plant This Instead” one-hour webinar from 9:30-10:30 a.m. March 14 will highlight native alternatives to some problematic plants in coastal North Carolina. Partners of the Coastal Landscapes Initiative have pooled their knowledge and identified 21 landscaping plants to steer clear of because they are “bad actors” and can potentially displace native plants in natural areas such as our creeks and riparian banks. Register online to reserve a free spot.
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“Lunch and Learn: The Importance of Proper Disposal of Medical Waste” begins at noon March 15. Bring a lunch to the in-person class at Cape Fear River Watch and learn how improperly disposed medications can pollute ground water and drinking water sources for wildlife and humans, how this can disrupt wastewater filtration systems and more. Register online. Cape Fear River Watch is located at 617 Surry St., Wilmington.
DREAMS Rain Garden Cleanout 10 a.m. to noon March 15. Join the North Carolina Coastal Federation by volunteering at DREAMS Center for Arts Education at 901 Fanning Street in Wilmington to maintain their rain gardens and clean out garden beds for spring planting. Volunteers must register online before the event. All tools, materials and supplies will be provided. Email Bonnie Mitchell, bonniem@nccoast.org, with any questions or concerns.
Hike in Brunswick Nature Park with North Carolina Coastal Land Trust 10 a.m. to noon March 16. Celebrate the Year of the Trail and Creek Week during this educational hike at Brunswick Nature Park. This hike will focus on Town Creek, saltwater intrusion, and human impacts on our waterways. Water and snacks will be provided for participants. Visit the website for more information and to register.
Lunch and Learn: Stormwater 101 with New Hanover County Soil and Water Conservation District is at noon March 16. Hannah Bell with the district will explain what stormwater is, and what residents can do to protect local waterways from impacts. This is a virtual webinar and participants will receive a link after registration, which is required and can be done online. Participants will be entered to win a $50 Lowe’s gift card.
Paddle Tour of Greenfield Lake with New Hanover County Soil and Water Conservation District 9:30-10:30 a.m. March 17. No registration is needed for this tour. Meet at 9:15 a.m. that day at Greenfield Lake Boathouse, 1739 Burnett Blvd., Wilmington. Attendees can either rent a paddleboat that seats two for $8 or a single kayak for $8. For more information about New Hanover County Soil and Water Conservation District, visit the website.
4-H Water Youth Water Quality Day March 18. Cape Fear River Watch and 4-H New Hanover County are working together to offer a water quality monitoring program at Greenfield Lake. The day will include picking up litter, taking water samples and then taking the samples to River Watch’s lab to test for bacteria. The program is $5 per child, parents are welcome to join. Online registration will close at 11:59 p.m. March 15. Participants will meet at the Greenfield Lake Boathouse. Park at 298 Park St., Wilmington.