The North Carolina Department of Transportation needs volunteers to pick up litter along roadways between April 16-30 during the Adopt-A-Highway Spring Litter Sweep.
NCDOT asks volunteers from local businesses, schools, nonprofits, churches, municipalities, law enforcement and community groups every April and September to help collect litter from roadsides.
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Volunteers can request cleanup supplies such as trash bags, gloves and safety vests from local NCDOT county maintenance offices. No sign up is required.
“Last year, NCDOT and our partner organizations picked up more than 13 million pounds of litter,” said State Roadside Engineer David Harris. “The Litter Sweep is a great opportunity to keep that momentum going and get your friends and family outdoors. Just a few hours volunteering can make a huge difference.”
To contact a local coordinator, visit NCDOT’s website or call 919-707-2970.