Officials in the Brunswick County town of Leland have placed on its town board meeting agenda for this week proposed action on a move to annex property in neighboring New Hanover County for a planned condo development that has met fierce opposition.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. Thursday at the Leland town hall. A public comment period is provided.
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KFJ LLC, developers of the proposed Villages at Battleship Point, describe the New Hanover County property as “blight-ridden” and promise an “extensive riverfront cleanup.” They want to build three multistory towers with 550 condominium units, 300 apartments, with connected retail, commercial and hospitality space and a luxury hotel.
Related: New Hanover County commissioners table zoning request
Opponents, including the North Carolina Coastal Federation, which publishes Coastal Review, say the proposed project “is in direct conflict with long-term conservation efforts within the Lower Cape Fear River watershed and puts wetland, wildlife, and our community at risk.”
New Hanover County commissioners in January tabled action on KFJ Development Group’s request to create a new zoning district that would pave the way for the 8.34-acre project at Peters Point, near the Battleship North Carolina Memorial.
In the interim, those behind the project looked to Leland. The proposed action “Directing the Town Clerk to Investigate a Petition for Voluntary Annexation Received from DBDL, LLC” is under the Planning & Building Inspections heading on the Leland board’s consent agenda.
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“Items on the consent agenda are considered routine in nature or have been thoroughly discussed at previous meetings. Any member of the Council may request to have an item removed from the consent agenda for further discussion,” as noted on the agenda.
DBDL, LLC is a company registered to Donald Ray Bordeaux Jr. of Leland and is one of the property owners who had sought action on the request in New Hanover County.