The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries has created and certified a new state record category for red hind.
Matthew Parr of Wilmington caught a 7-pound, 1.6-ounce fish Oct. 1 off Cape Lookout, division officials said Wednesday. The fish measured 21.5 inches long and had a 17.5-inch girth.
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North Carolina did not list a state record red hind but created the category after Parr applied for the state record. The division will create new state record categories for fish that are exceptionally large for the state.
Parr caught the fish using cut bait on 80-pound line test with a 5-foot, 6-inch Star Aeriel Heavy Action Jigging Rod and a Penn 113 N Senator Reel. He was fishing with Capt. Charles Stewart Merritt of Salt Air Ventures.
For more information, contact Carole Willis with the North Carolina Saltwater Fishing Tournament at carole.y.willis@ncdenr.gov.