Ecolab Inc., a log fumigation company in New Hanover County, and Flowers Timber Co. Inc. in Wayne County have been issued air permits from the state Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality, the state announced Wednesday.
Both facilities applied for permit modifications to continue operations within the limits required under new state emissions rule that went into effect Nov. 1, 2020, regulating log fumigation.
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The new rule established emission control requirements for log fumigation operations and amendment to the state air toxics rule added methyl bromide and established acceptable ambient levels.
“After thoroughly considering comments received during the public engagement process, DAQ has issued the permits with operational limits, monitoring protocols, recordkeeping requirements and reporting requirements to comply with the log fumigation and air toxics rules,” according to the state. “The final permits also include revised requirements for leak detection and testing within 90 days of permit issuance. Additionally, the permits also allow for the fumigation of perishable commodities using phosphine.”
The final permits, final permit reviews, hearing officer reports and final environmental justice reports can be found at https://deq.nc.gov/methyl-bromide.