Starting Tuesday, Moores Creek National Battlefield will resume normal hours for its visitor center.
The visitor center, which has been closed since March 24 because of the pandemic, will be open 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and will close all federal holidays.
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Moores Creek National Battlefield is the site of the first significant victory for the Patriots in the Revolutionary War, according to the National Park Service. The battle ended Royal rule in North Carolina and helped pave the way for the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Moores Creek National Battlefield opened Aug. 1 the comfort station bathrooms, park trails and all recreational areas. The Patriots Hall restrooms will remain closed.
Park staff, which is following guidance from the White House, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC, and state and local public health authorities, has implemented new safety measures to help keep our visitors and staff safe.
The visitor center, at this time, will remain at 50% capacity. The park will be showing its 10-minute movie, “In the Most Furious Manner,” but the theater will also be at 50% capacity.
For more information on the visitor center reopening, visit, www.nps.gov/mocr or facebook.com/moorescreeknps. Updates on National Park Service operations can be found at www.nps.gov/coronavirus.