Reprinted from Ocracoke Observer
The North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church Disaster Response, or NCCUMC Disaster Response, needs teams of volunteers and skilled individuals interested in assisting Ocracoke Island with the Hurricane Dorian rebuild effort.
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NCCUMC Disaster Response is Ocracoke Island’s long-term rebuild partner, working in response to the flooding devastation by Hurricane Dorian.
Due to COVID-19, the organization in March was forced to suspend volunteer operations for nearly two months.
In May, they began reinstating scaled-down volunteer activities on Ocracoke Island and the following month resumed all volunteer operations but only with volunteers who reside in North Carolina.
Beginning this month, NCCUMC Disaster Response is accepting volunteers who reside in any state. The Methodist Disaster Response has put measures in place as a phased response to COVID-19.
Covid-19 limits housing availability but teams staying overnight or commuting for the day can be accommodated. Groups are directed to call 888-440-9167 to coordinate their arrival.
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Individuals should reach out to Ocracoke Island’s Site Manager Valda Belyeu at 252-833-8358.
This story is provided courtesy of the Ocracoke Observer, a newspaper covering Ocracoke island. Coastal Review Online is partnering with the Ocracoke Observer to provide readers with more environmental and lifestyle stories of interest along our coast.